NEWS OF THE WEIRD: Winter in Canada.  No Surprise.

Whether it was the summer of rain, summer of sun, summer of fire or the summer not at home, it’s over.  No matter where you are, you have to accept, Winter will be here.  Fall is the season of preparing for winter.  Why do you think they call Canada the ‘Great White North’ or ‘The Land of Ice and Snow’?  Even our anthem calls Canada ‘The True North strong and free’

Edited and compiled by Rahman Mohamed

Your car is trying to tell you something…

All cars have their signature noise.  What is it trying to tell you?

The ‘click’ when you’re in 10 layers and trying to turn it on is the battery’s way of telling you “Hey, charge me or I won’t turn on!”.  If it makes noise when you’re braking, check the brake pads.  If you’re waiting for someone and the car is making a ticking sound, check the oil.  If the tires are thudding while you’re driving, check out the tire pressure or alignment.  If you can’t stop on ice or doesn’t drive properly before the snowplows come by you probably forgot the Winter Tires.

Don’t forget your habits.  You might be the one that taps the boots in the air before getting in, the one that makes sure the windows are all unfogged before taking off the toque, or the one that never takes off the toque even though the heating is on full blast.  Everyone has some weird habit (probably why the aliens haven’t come in the flying cars).  And don’t forget to remove the ice and snow before you drive.

Don’t forget that scraper! 

It seems that some didn’t know it was illegal in Pennsylvania to not remove the ice and snow from their car.  Makes sense; it was signed into law there in 2022.  Unless you’re in Vancouver, a Canadian is no stranger to ice and snow.  You probably even have the experience and the tools – the brush and scraper (probably more than 2; Vancouverites won’t know what it is).

The cat in the back

Even if you have your car you’re going to have some fog on your windshield.  It frustrates all drivers and can take time away from your commute (as if the commute wasn’t already long enough).  A suggestion for preventing fog is using kitty litter.  You heard it. 

Since kitty litter is designed to absorb kitty urine it’ll absorb the moisture in your car and your window won’t fog up!  It’s suggested to fill a sock half or full with kitty litter and leave it in your car.  If you bring it home instead of leaving in the car don’t panic; it’s suggest the litter in the sock will absorb the fog better than a hand towel or your hand.  What sane Canadian keeps a hand uncovered in Winter?  Some forms are suggested to have a better effect than others.  Before you throw the Litter Bomb away make sure no one will be hurt; you’ll be forced to say ‘Sorry’ or lose your Canadian citizenship if it hurts someone and is reported.

Whether you’re worried about breaking your side mirrors or have no damage phobia when you’re taking off the snow, don’t worry; soon you might not even need them because of the driverless car.  It’s coming.  Tesla has been talking about the robotaxi and a car using cameras instead of side mirrors was spotted in Palo Alto, California in August.  Sure, there might not be any mirrors outside but the ultimate question for a Canadian: Do you have to change to winter tires and take off all the snow or just the snow from the cameras?


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