Route 66

Route 66: Day 6

The unexpected happened last night as I approached the an exit to get gas. I noticed the barriers and pylons to navigate through as construction is going on at the exit. It was dark and confusing, and suddenly on the driver side came a semi truck. big, fast and furious.

Next thing I knew my only choice was to drive-through all those barriers and pylons to save my life and the truckers. To be honest, I’m not even sure the truck knew I was there or that the whole situation happened. I got control and took a breath and looked up. He was sailing into the distance.

The accident destroyed all four tires. The safety system (day light running) on the car went, the electronics went out again, lost the front bumper and  one headlight. Gained a few scratches and bumps.

The next morning, I had one destination. I was an auto shop that could assist in repairing the car so I could continue on Route 66 safely.

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